Happy New Year from all at Conservatory of Movement! We DID IT... got through 2020, and the Conservatory survived (even being closed for 3 1/2 months) phew... Thank you all who donated tuition to the school, trusted us with your children, strived to keep us open, and tried to keep a little bit of normality in your children's lives. Welcome 2021...
School opens Monday, January 4, 2021
Will be closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 18, 2021
R.A.D. Exams for grades are planned for the beginning of March (dates/times TBD). Exams will probably have to be filmed for the examiner, but will still be conducted in a way that will be as close to a "live" experience as possible. More information on fees and forms to be announced soon.
New vocational level R.A.D. classes have been added with Miss Eve on Saturdays (see below). Exams for vocational level will occur in May or June.
We are currently looking into outdoor locations for our spring recital. Save the date for Saturday, June 12, 2021!
Schedule Changes & Tuition Additions
You can also find the updated class and tuition schedule here: https://www.conservatoryofmovement.com/classes
A second Pre-Primary class has been added on Wednesday 3:45-4:30pm
Grade 4 class on Wednesdays is now 4:30-5:45pm
Jazz I on Wednesdays is now 5:45-6:45pm
Grade 5 classes on Saturdays are now combined together in Studio A from 10:00-11:30am
Eve's Saturday Drop-in Class now meets 11:30am-1:00pm
R.A.D. Advanced 1 (Year 1) class with Miss Eve on Saturday 9:00-10:00am
R.A.D. Advanced 1 (Year 2) class with Miss Eve on Saturday 1:00-2:00pm
Majors Tuition Rates:
3 classes/wk: $180 / month
4 classes/wk: $225 / month
5 classes/wk: $265 / month
6 classes/wk: $302 / month
7 classes/wk: $330 / month